Carefully filling out the following tables will result in a reasonable estimate of your electrical needs. Be conservative but remember that many appliances have worst case inflated wattage use listed on their labels. Remember also that you should be using efficient AC or DC lighting (not incandescent bulbs). The amount of time each appliance is used should be carefully thought out as well. A submersible pump or vacuum cleaner uses a large number of watts but usually only for a short time. Conversely a circulator pump may take only a few watts to run, but can run for large amounts of time in the winter when you can least afford it. Consult The Solar Electric Independent Home Book for more details on load calculations.

DC Appliance 

Hours/Day x Watts/Appliance = Watt-Hours/Day/Appliance










DC Average Daily Loads:                                                              


AC Appliance

 Hours/Day x Watts/Appliance = Watt-Hours/Day/Appliance












Subtotal AC Average Daily Loads:                                                           

Add 10% of Subtotal for Inverter Inefficiency:                                                           

Total AC Average Daily Loads:                                                           

Total Average DC Loads (from above):                                                           


TOTAL AC and DC Average Daily Loads:                                                           

